While I understand and sympathize with those [M. Machnik,
C. Shub] who are urging a softer line on Maine, it seems to me that
Ploszek's actions in knowingly allowing a Maine team to play an
ineligible athlete calls for something more than a sanction on him
personally.  Remember when SMU got the "death penalty"?  That was
largely for things done by boosters.  In this case, it would appear
that we have a grievous offense by the #1 person in the Athletic
Program at Maine.  Surely there must be an institutional sanction as
well as a personal one.  I shudder to think of the consequences of
applying Mike Machnik's logic to some of the bandit football and
basketball programs of recent years.  Yes, this is a harsh penalty,
but it will be a long time before another national contender dresses
three ineligible players in less than two years -- in hockey, at least.