According to this morning's T-U RPI's all-star goaltender and Hobey Baker
candidate Neil Little is set to sign today with the Philadelphia Flyers of the
NHL.  The T-U reports it expects Little to get a two year deal which includes a
$150,000 signing bonus.  The Flyers have reportedly offered a base salary of
$225,000 if he makes the parent club, $60,000 if he plays at Hershey.  Little,
who is only a  few credits shy of his business management degree, will leave
school to play the remainder of the season for Philadelphia (not likely) or
Little's four year career at RPI features a record of 49-30-10 with 2,935
saves, a GAA of 3.41 and a .892 save percentage.
Hopefully Neil will be able to follow Darren Puppa into a successful NHL
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******************Prelude to a Championship: LSSU vs. Harvard****************