>Today's Boston Globe reports the announcers for this
>weekends semi-final games on PRIME and finals on ESPN.
>Thursday's semifinals on PRIME:
        Play-by-play:  Frank Mazzacco
        Color man:     Bob Norton
>Saturday's finals on ESPN:
        Play-by-play:  Sean McDonough
        Color man:     Bob Norton
It's a great day for hockey!  My mail system has finally come back on-line,
Albany has not one, not two but three LIVE hockey broadcasts in the following
days and...
NO TOM MEES!!!  Did Tom have a conflict with his ESPN assignment for the Senior
PGA?  Let's keep him busy again next year.
And to those out West who thought Norton was too parochial--listen to him
closely.  I'll wager you'll pick up more about game strategy, especially
positioning and playmaking, then you've ever heard in a hockey broadcast
before, including NHL broadcasts.
            "NYS   // Hockey"
        Go 'Gate  //   Brian Morris
          Go RPI //      Albany, NY
          ______// [log in to unmask]
**************Prelude to a championship--LSSU vs Harvard******************.