Date:  29 March 1994 22:57 est
    From:  Charlie Shub <cdash at LUDELL.UCCS.EDU>
    Subject:  NC$$ Institutional Secondary Infractions
    How Reported:
            Self Reported
            B 11.02.6
            Volunteer Coach rode on the team bus to an away contest
    Institutional Action:
            Reprimanded the coach
    NC$$ Action:
            No further Action
Excuse my ignorance of NC$$ rules but how can this be a violation? I
would want my coaches (volunteer or not) to ride on the team bus.
    How Reported:
            Self reported
            Head Coach had contact with the parents od a prospect at the
            site of the young man's competition.  The parents approached
            the coach and asked him a couple of questions.  The coach
            indicated that he exited as soon as it was politely possible.
            Prospect has committed to attend another institution.
    Institutional Action:
            Sent letter of caution to coach
    NC$$ Action:
            Young man is ineliugible unless restored through NC$$ Appeals
OK, another stupid question, why is the player automatically ineligible?
    charlie shub
    [log in to unmask]  -or-  cdash@colospgs (BITNET)
    (719) 593 3492               (fax) 593-3369
Eric Maiwald                             maiwald at
Citicorp                              Go, Go, Go, You, Red, Red, Red!!!
Reston, VA                                                      RPI '87
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