I agree with the poster who said Harvard has been underestimated and
that it's surprising to see 90% of hockey-lers picking LSSU.  I've been
burned before by underestimating the Lakers, so I won't be stupid enough
to do that again.  However, I do think Harvard will give them all they
can handle.  The Crimson have an outstanding team.  Martins and Farrell
up front lead an incredibly speedy group of forwards (why wasn't Martins
nominated for the Hobey?).  Sean McCann is a scoring machine for a
defenseman, and Lou Body and others are solid defensive players.  Israel
and Tracy are both top-notch goalkeepers.  People got used to the
Crimson having a letdown at the end of their seasons, but it hasn't
happened this time.  I think Harvard is a team to be reckoned with.