Recently Ryan Robbins posted a response to my original post.
I would like to agree that the MAX recup time is probably
insignificant.  However, what IS significant is knowing if
A) you are going to the final and
B) if you are then going on, then you get the opportunity
   to prepare for the game MUCH more efficiently.
Think about it.  If you are playing the late game, you don't
want to watch the 1st game thinking, well if we win I better
pay attention to this game, but at the same time I can't
look past the team I'm playing tonight.........
There are substantial advantages to playing the first game...
that is all my point to be.  Not to mention, if you play the
1st game then you have the rest of the day to relax.  Instead
of cruising back to your hotel and going to sleep......
BTW, whoever sent me a private post about the times that
were originally set and I was wrong.   Explain why the
Minnesota news agencies were making a special note to
report time changes of the semis on Thursday....
I apologize for making that public....
.....and in the beginning there was only hockey........
Dan Kallman
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these are strictly MY not take them in any other
manner.....that is all.....