2 Weeks ago, Bob Ducatte (RPI's AD) sent a fax to the commisioner of the
ECAC stating that HE has contacted RPI about the possibility of joining.
It was an acknowledgement of the fact that they are talking.
Afterwards, they stated that they will be discussing this AFTER the season
ends, and that it will be fully discussed. As for a Blue RIbbon Panel,
I don't think there is one.  The first and foremost thing for RPI athletics
right now is whether or not Ducatte retires.
If he does, Hockey East here we come!
*  Jayson Moy RPI '89 '93       * One of the Voices of Rensselaer Engineer    *
*  [log in to unmask]                 * Hockey, Baseball, Football, and Basketball  *
*  The "J Man"                  * on Crystal Clear FM Radio, 91.5FM WRPI, Troy*