This is some what of a complaint about the east regionals at the Knick.
Don't get me wrong, but I had a great time there this weekend.
1) Some of my friends and I ordered tickets through the Knick to watch
   the games.  When we got to the box office they did not have them.
   After going through circles for 1/2 an hour with the administrators
   at the box office we finnaly got some tickets (but not the ones we
   payed for).  The tickets we recieved for Saturday night were double
   printed and someother people were already sitting in our seats.  We
   moved twice before we found a place to watch the entire game.
2) When we finnally sat down for friday night's game the lights at both
   goals had gone out.
3) The little sparrow fling around.(You had to laugh)
4) The concesion stands closed down half way through the second games on
   both nights.  For people that could not leave the building and had been
   there since 4:30 this was a little unconvienient to our stomachs.
Not to knock the players of any of the teams becuase the were all great games.
The fans were enthusiastic and made it even a better time. (Did the fish cause
a real problem, considering it is a tradition and it was know that it would
I was really wondering how the NC$$ chooses there sites for the games and is
it more for $$$ or facilities.  I was quite disapointed with the way the Knick
handled the entire situation.
Good luck to all the teams next weekend.
Go BU!!!
Craig D. Vershon
Boston University ENG '97
(The idiot with the Gilligan hat)