FInally, no one probably heard me shout it but, can we take the UW band
us to St. Paul in lieu of ours.  All I could say was "Wow."
And nice barb about "Where's Waldo."  (Our band wears these red 'n white
striped rugbies that closely resemble the Waldo character or children's
Joel Kitay
BU Daily Free Press
(Sorry about spelling Wisconsin wrong above.)
Joel -
At least you guys have a band!!  I guess we're such a small school and
don't have any history with these sorts of things, but I think we had only
about 100 fans in Lansing and certainly no band!  (We didn't even have a
band at the Hockey East tournament).  Bruce Crowder has done a great job
put fannies back in the seats at Tully forum (I can remember sitting some
pitiful seasons when there'd only be 400-500 people) but he needs to work
on getting the collegiate "atmosphere" back there.  I've heard stories
about the Division II glory days and how "rowdy" it was, but since going
Div. I, it's gotten far too "tame".  Maybe if this success continues the
crazy days will return.
Good luck in St. Paul - we've got a long tough road (starting this
afternoon), but I'd love a rematch with you guys for the Nat'l title!
Steve Weisfeldt                                   Go Chiefs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
University of Lowell (now UMASS-Lowell)           [log in to unmask]
1986, 1988