Thank you to all of you out there who have flooded my mail box with the picks.
Right now, we have a grand total of 72 entries.  For those of you who haven't
sent me anything, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR?  The last minute scouting
reports?  Come on, what do you have to lose?
I'd also like to thank Keith Instone down at BG for sending me the TCHCR picks.
They should provide an interesting comparison to the "human" picks.
Keep those cards and letters coming, boys and girls.
G. M. Finniss
Michigan State University- Contest Central
WVU '87 (hey, maybe they'll give the job to an alumnus), UTenn '92, MSU who the
hell knows when?
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Deadline- 5pm EST, Friday, March 25 (I'll announce my highly-anticipated picks
at about 4 pm)