>John Hughes asks:
>> What does the "C" on Dwayne Roloson's uniform mean?  Is it just honorary,
>> because I thought that goalies couldn't be captains.
>Roloson is one of three captains on UML.  The others are forwards Shane
>Henry and Mike Murray.
Rule 2 Section 2 c.
  No goalkeeper shall be entitled to exercise the privileges of captain.
I assume that this means the goaltender may not participate in a captain's
meeting, discuss interpretation of the rules with the referees, etc.
It would seem that it doesn't preclude them from wearing a letter, however.
A second example is Michigan State's Mike Gilmore who wore an "A" in
1991-92.  I'd guess that there are many more.
  John H
  U Mich
"They can take the RPI indicator, or whatever they call it, and stick
it some place." -- LSSU head coach Jeff Jackson, upset that the
Lakers did not receive the #2W seed.