On Mar 21, 10:41pm, Pamela Sweeney wrote:
> Subject: West Regional Game Times
>BTW, the sportstalk musings tonight about the NC$$ seedings centered on why
>Wisconsin beat out CC.  After Wisconsin's surprising bid to the NC$$ squeak-ball
>tourney, the theory is that (Education Secretary and former UW President) Donna
>Shelala (sp?) must have some say the seedings.  :-)
>Pam Sweeney                            Go Gophers!!!
>[log in to unmask]         1993 WCHA Playoff Champions!!!
>[log in to unmask]              Ski-U-Mah!!!
>-- End of excerpt from Pamela Sweeney
First the non-hockey content:  Donna Shalala is the Secretary of Health
and Human Services, not Education, and was the UW Chancellor since the
title "President" is used for the head of the entire state university
Now for the hockey content:  from my vantage point here in Chicago as a
Wisconsin alumnus, Wisconsin deserved to be in the NC$$ tournament as much
as CC, based upon head-to-head (3-1) and strength of schedule (those non-
conference games against Air Force, etc. don't really compare to Fairbanks,
Michigan, or MSU, not to mention the unbalanced conference schedule).
I'm not saying that CC did not deserve to make the tournament; I'm just
saying that the criteria used pointed in Wisconsin's favor if you just
look at the two teams.  And if CC would have been selected, I don't think
it would be Wisconsin who would have been left out...
Matt Keller     [log in to unmask]