[A bunch of stuff about the close WCHA race. Then this about Colorado's
league record, vs. other league winners']
> But admit it, their league record is not that good for a first-place
> team.  Michigan compiled a 24-5-1 record in the league (.817), Harvard
> 16-2-4 (.864) and BU 19-4-1 (.813). Those three first-place teams were
> basically locks in the NCAA--not because they won their league--because
> they compiled a good record doing it.
> CC's record in the league is worse than the CCHA's #2 LSSU (.667) and
> #3 MSU (.650) and barely ahead of #4 WMU (.633). The other league's 2nd
> and 3rd place teams stack up similarly.
This may say more about parity in the WCHA than anything else (I'm not
arguing that WCHA is stronger, top to bottom than others, just suggesting
an alternative explanation).  Maybe CC needs to schedule Ohio State and
Kent State next year to boost ITS winning %   :-)
Dean Woodbeck