In case you wanted to see the tournament pairings in bracket form...
Here's the NCAA Hockey Tournament pairings
WEST@East Lansing                                       EAST@Albany
Lk. Superior St(4)                                      Wisconsin(4)
__________________                                      _____________
Northeastern(5)   |                                     | W. Michigan(5)
__________________|----                             ----|_____________
                       |                            |
        Michigan (1)   |----                    ----|  Boston Univ. (1)
       ________________|    |                   |   |__________________
                            |                   |
        Minnesota (2)       |-------------------|       Harvard (2)
     __________________     |                   |    __________________
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                       |----|                   |----|
 Mass-Lowell (3)       |                             |   New Hampshire (3)
___________________    |                             |   _________________
 Michigan St.(6)   |---|                             |---| RPI (6)
___________________|                                     |________________
                        [log in to unmask] Paul
      Perinatal Medicine...Saxophone...and whatever else interests me
                          From the e-mail desk of:
      Andrew F. Wagner                University of Wisconsin-Madison
      [log in to unmask]
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very reassuring."     --Thomas Magnum, "Magnum, P.I."