On Thu, 17 Mar 1994, T.C.A. Venkatesan wrote:
> 3. And some news from the bear country: President Hutchinson has
> formed a 5-point plan to take care of all the problems that the UMaine
> Athletic Dept. has had:
> a. Reinstate AD Mike Ploszek (starting tomorrow).
I've already posted about this, so I won't again here.
> b. Appoint a full-time Compliance Officer (for one year).
Just one year? Does that mean it's possible they'll return to part-time
when the attention dies down, do you think?
> c. Have a NCAA person visit UMaine in April to check on them.
Sounds good, but I kind of thought that was going to happen whether they
*asked* for a visit or not. :-)
> d. ... (I forgot what this one was!!)
> e. Dismiss Woody Carville (without any relocation within UMaine).
Ah, Woody, we hardly knew ye... or at least I hardly knew ye. I wonder if
he feels like that guy in the Tiananmen Square video standing in front of
the tank....
*** "Ah.  This is apparently some usage of the word 'safe' I wasn't
previously aware of."  -- Arthur Dent
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David M. Josselyn
aka "Argus"
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