I'm too close to the Michigan program to offer any unbiased opinions, so
I'll try to set all opinions=OFF.
Coach Berenson will not be suspended by the university for the incident.  He
has met with the AD and the matter has been dealt with internally.  Berenson
is scheduled to appear in court next week to answer to the charges.
Now for a couple fun things that I couldn't resist:
     No, there is no truth to the rumor that the unidentified man
accompanying the Police on the "stake-out" was MSU coach Ron Mason.
     And no...Berenson's display was not a distraught reaction to the
immanent crumbling of the Dewey [sp?] Decimal System.
     I'm taking my calculator to JLA and Munn so I can count the number of
"Hey, Michigan -- Piss Off" signs.
BTW... :-) for all.
  John H
  U Mich