greg friedman <[log in to unmask]> writes...
>Subject: Re: Clarkson's bell
>having been up to clarkson just last week with the brown band,
>i'd like to state that that damn bell is VERY annoying.
    Good.  I guess it's doing what it's supposed to do.  :-)
>I'm not entirely sure how it's supposed to spur on the team instead of being
>annoying to anyone in the general vicinity. can be annoying or inspiring depending upon for whom the bell
tolls.  :-)
>                                 -greg friedman
>                                  [log in to unmask]
>"go Brown- beat the Ivy League"
>    -random fan (believed to be a clarkson fan) at LAST year's Harvard-Brown
>     final four game in lake placid
     I think the "believed to be" is a recent addition to this closing.
Probably was a Clarkson fan.  Anyhow, please don't think we're ALL morons...