On Thu, 17 Mar 1994, Art Stine wrote:
> i'm not sure how impressive a 4.0 as a masters student is - they typically
> take a much lighter course load than a BS student and depending on the
> school, graduate courses can be much easier than BS courses. I don't mean
> this to necessarily degrade Lisko, but its hard to judge what a GPA really
> means from school to school.
Yes, but IMO (or at least here at $yracuse) the increased workload in
each class *more* than compensates for the decreased # of credit hours.
However, as you observe, this varies from program to program, school to
school. I had 15 credit hours/semester for my BA and spent a lot of time
doing other things: college paper, watching hockey ;-)
I'm taking only 9 a semester now (no, I'm not a student-athlete, just a
teaching assistant) and struggling to maintain the same GPA I had in
So I have a lot of respect for students who can do what Lisko did:
players like Joe Juneau....
David M. Josselyn
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