The problem with this scenario revolves around using just one index.  As I see
it, with a 17-15-? record Maine just doesn't deserve to be in the big hunt.
CC does!
Leave us not forget that CC lost to a team with a really bad record, but from
all appearances they significantly outplayed that team.  Jamie Ram was HOT,
and we all know that in hockey a hot goalie can make up for a lot of poor
play.  When you get 50 shots on goal, you expect to win.  And without that
loss, CC would be significantly higher in the index.  I would hope that the
team that won the WCHA would be invited regardless of whatever index said.
Tom Rowe                                 Internet:  [log in to unmask]
Department of Psychology                 ***********************************
U. of Wisconsin - Stevens Point          Home of Division III National
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