On Wed, 16 Mar 1994, Patrick Ellis wrote:
> I recently heard a rumor on campus that HE is still going to court to
> prove that their decision with maine was valid...  Does anyone have
> confirmaton of this, and any news on what may happen....
>     (would Maine even bother showing up to court now????)
No, I don't have confirmation, but I can't say I'm surprised.  The
injunction still seemed to me as more of a way of erring on the side of
caution, giving UMO the benefit of every possibly doubt. HE can't allow
that to stand as a precedent for member schools to take legal action
whenever they don't get the desired results in the league's democratic
process.  As a volunteer organization, I think HE will be painted into a
corner where they have to try and have the decision overturned or risk
looking like a repressive organization trying to beat in court what they
can't beat on the ice:  Walsh's hockey team.
BTW, I don't think that was the case - I'm saying that it could be
perceived that way if HE just takes the injunction on the chin and
forgets about it.
David M. Josselyn
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