On Wed, 16 Mar 1994, TERRENCE GILDRED 4XW 271-6782 16-Mar-1994 1416 (NICK) wrote:
>         According to Comley based on the committee's recommendation Maine will
>         be either 17-15-4 or 14-18-4 depending on how they wish to look at the
>         Jeff Tory issue.
2 games over .500 is good enough for the tournament? Even if the forfeits
had never occurred, that seems a mite low.
It seems to me that it might come down to how Maine fared head-to-head
against other "bubble" HE teams, namely the other two semifinalists: UNH
and NU.  I see BU and Lowell as locks (assuming, of course, that one of
the two wins the whole thing this weekend.)
David M. Josselyn
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