On Mon, 14 Mar 1994, Keith Instone wrote:
> I guess you list this as Bemidji winning the series with a 2-1 (ot)
> minigame victory.
> AP got confused because Bemidji won 2-1 in regulation and then won
> the minigame 2-1 in OT. Understandable, since I needed it explained
> to me twice on the phone.
        Thanks for clearing that one up. I was sort of surprised even to
see those scores on the wire service since most UAH home games this year
didn't make it. I wouldn't be surprised if someone from the NCAA phoned
it in to the local AP bureau.
        The wire kept messing up the Merrimack series, too. After Lowell
won the first two, it listed the series tied 1-1 with a third game to be
played. I caught that and edited out for posting on the lists.
|                   Lynn Burke    Newport News, Va.                     |
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