Your handy-dandy guide to what might be happening at the Joe next weekend.
CCHA Permutations for the Joe
With 2 games on Sunday, there are 4 possibilities for the Joe.
Sunday Winners  #1    #2     #3   #4    #5    #6
MSU   Miami     Mich  LSSU  MSU   WMU   Mia   BGSU
MSU   UAF       Mich  LSSU  MSU   WMU   BGSU  UAF
UIC   Miami     Mich  LSSU  WMU   Mia   BGSU  UIC
UIC   UAF       Mich  LSSU  WMU   BGSU  UAF   UIC
Sunday Winners   4:00 Fri    7:30 Fri    2:00 Sat          5:00 Sat
MSU   Miami      WMU/Mia     MSU/BGSU    WMU/Mia  / Mich   MSU/BGSU / LSSU
MSU   UAF        WMU/BGSU    MSU/UAF     WMU/BGSU / Mich   MSU/UAF  / LSSU
UIC   Miami      Mia/BGSU    WMU/UIC     Mia/BGSU / Mich   WMU/UIC  / LSSU
UIC   UAF        BGSU/UAF    WMU/UIC     BGSU/UAF / Mich   WMU/UIC  / LSSU
The Lakers have to be the hottest team around, with 4 straight shutouts
and 1 goal allowed in their last 6 games. And with Michigan struggling
lately, it could become very important which bracket you are placed in
if you want to make it to the championship game. Also, don't forget
that current LSSU coach Jeff Jackson has never lost at the Joe, so you
may see teams hoping to be the #4 seed instead of the #3.
Michigan and LSSU will get the byes. Michigan will face either WMU,
Miami, BGSU or UAF. LSSU could see MSU, BGSU, UAF, WMU or UIC.
Western is probably rooting for UIC tonight, because it will face the
Flames if they win; otherwise, WMU will have to play BG or Miami. But a
UIC victory also puts the Broncos in the Laker's bracket, so maybe WMU
won't be rooting for the upset.
Miami will play in the early game if it advances. MSU will play in the
late match if it wins tonight.
Bowling Green has the greatest range of possibilities, with seeds going
from #4 to #6 and a different opponent for each potential outcome.
Season series for possible Friday night games:
UAF 2-0 over BGSU
MSU 2-0-1 over BGSU
WMU 2-1 over BGSU
BGSU 2-1 over Miami
Miami 2-1 over WMU
WMU 3-0 over UIC
MSU and UAF didn't play