If you were at the Michigan/Kent State game yesterday, you should have
wondered as I did:
How could a defense be that bad?  Youi could probably pick two people
outo f the stands and they could clear the puck better than the U-M
defense.  not only that, but if we put our STICKS down on the ice, maybe
those 7 or 8 missed passes that led to Kent breakaways, 2 on 1s, and 3
on 2s would be averted.
I've never seen a team so happy for beating KENT!  The fans were SO
pissed off at U-M in the first person that we started cheering Rick
Willis and chanting his name.. (because, like ususal, he's the only
person on the team to give 100% no matter what the situation).
It seemed that every time Schock got out there we were scared for our
Eric Rickin ([log in to unmask])
University of Michigan Class of 1996