Brian (Farenell), I'm not sure which game you were tuned into, but the final
score was 7-6, not 8-7.  Other than that, you're post was pretty good. 8*)
By the way, can anyone tell me what is up with those horribly UGLY dandelion
gold and green uniforms that Clarkson was wearing last night.  We all hate
our Pep Band bumblebee shirts, but those uniforms are just blinding to look
at.  They wore them Parents' Weekend also.  I don't know if they're tring
to slowly get the crowd and team used to them (which will never happen), or
if they we're just trying to scare the hell out of Colgate.  At any rate,
I hope we don't have to look at them again tonight. 8*)  Just my thoughts.
Laura Myott
Clarkson Pep Band '94