Various questions accurately (I hope) answered.
Kariya is out.  He has not returned to Orono, but has remained in
Boston negotiating with the Ducks.  I don't think he registered
for Spring semester (I know its not an NCAA requirement, but Maine
insisted the Ferraros register for something if they wanted to
return and play and I'm sure the same requirement was set for Kariya)
and the implication was pretty clear in December that his college
career was over.
Imes is out.  He has always made it clear that he wanted a full year
of hockey while he finished his degree.  Neither of them has practiced
with the team which would make it pretty hard for either to
synchronize with everybody else.
Tardif is in.  The NCAA ruled he was clearly eligible and would have
met the requirements except for misinformation (which was not related
to the hockey program).  To meet the requirements for this semester
(and continue skating) he was allowed to register late for an
additional course.  Normally students may not register after the
first week of classes, but exceptions can always be granted.
My understanding is that the NCAA also had to give formal permission
for Tardif to meet the registration requirements in this fashion.
Weinrich is out.  The earliest he could return would be if Maine
reached the final four.  Not likely.
Allison is in.  He played last weekend and looked good.  Saved the
game for Maine in fact against BC.
I didn't mean to imply the HE playoffs would be restructured.  A
logistic nightmare, if you think about it.  The implication
intended was that Maine is about a middle-level HE team.  Not
that Maine can't win it all (BC won the beanpot so anything can
happen), but it would require a few other teams roll over and play
dead for us.