            Lake Placid, New York
            April 11th - 17th
            POOL A  W L T P GF GA     POOL B         W L T P GF GA
            Canada  0 0 0 0  0  0     United States  0 0 0 0  0  0
            Sweden  0 0 0 0  0  0     Finland        0 0 0 0  0  0
            Norway  0 0 0 0  0  0     Germany        0 0 0 0  0  0
            Asia?   0 0 0 0  0  0     Switzerland    0 0 0 0  0  0
DATE           TEAMS                             TIME            RINK
Mon Apr 11th   Sweden      __ - Norway      __   2:00 pm         32
               Canada      __ - Asia?       __   4:00 pm         80
               Finland     __ - Germany     __   6:00 pm         32
               USA         __ - Switzerland __   8:00 pm         80
Tue Apr 12th   Sweden      __ - Asia?       __   3:00 pm         80
               Finland     __ - Switzerland __   4:00 pm         32
               Norway      __ - Canada      __   7:00 pm         80
               Germany     __ - USA         __   8:00 pm         32
Thu Apr 14th   Germany     __ - Switzerland __   1:00 pm         32
               Canada      __ - Sweden      __   3:00 pm         80
               Asia?       __ - Norway      __   4:00 pm         32
               USA         __ - Finland     __   7:00 pm         80
Fri Apr 15th   ____        __ - ____        __   5:00 pm A1-B2   80
               ____        __ - ____        __   8:00 pm B1-A2   80
Sat Apr 16th   ____        __ - ____        __   8:00 pm A3-B4   80
               ____        __ - ____        __   8:00 pm B3-A4   32
Sun Apr 17th   ____        __ - ____        __   9:00 am 7th pl  32
               ____        __ - ____        __  11:15 am Bronze  80
               ____        __ - ____        __   1:00 pm 5th pl  32
Championship   ____        __ - ____        __   3:00 pm Gold    80
All events: $20  ;  One day $6  ;  Championship day $7
P&P $3  ;  MC, VISA, AMEX, Discover
TICKET INFO:    (518) 523-3330
HOUSING INFO:   (800) 447-5223
A special thanks to Bri for getting the ticket information out.  I have
my tickets, so if you have any questions, send me private e-mail.
 good shooting