Having been critical of Eddy Skazyk in the past, I feel obligated and
delighted to say that my opinion of him has done a 180 degree turn.
Of course, that's because Eddy's playing has done a 180.  He has been
MUCH more consistant this year, playing the kind of goaltending we only
saw glimpses of last season (basically the game at Yale last year).  He's
by no means the best goalie I've seen at Cornell (consider I've seen two
All-Americans since '86) but if he keeps it up he could crack my top four.
Andy Bandurski is going to have to sharpen up if he wants anything more
than a back-up role.
Speaking of All-Americans, Doug Dadswell, who almost single-handedly won
Cornell an NCAA bid in 1986, is back in Ithaca, apparently filling in the
assistant coaching position vacated by Casey Jones.
Paulette Dwen
Cornell '89
Let's Go Red!