Bill Fenwick writes:
>With three minutes left and play stopped, the Lynah crowd began sere-
>nading Thomas with the cheer:  "Hey, Tim!  Your mom called..." etc.
>You have to question the timing of this, with Vermont leading 6-3, and
>in fact Thomas DID question it, gesturing and waving at the crowd in a
>sort of "You talkin' to ME?!?" style.   Naturally, the crowd reacted to
>this by getting even louder (and cruder), and Thomas then pointed to
>the scoreboard.  This went on so long that McKell skated over from the
>Vermont bench and apparently told the goalie to cool it.  In a perverse
>way, I kind of liked seeing Thomas give as good as he got in that
>situation, since, as opposing goalies usually do, he was getting all
>sorts of abuse the entire game.  However, Thomas is just a freshman,
>and if he keeps carrying on like that at Vermont away games, he's going
>to have a very long next three years (unless Vermont keeps winning on
>the road).
Thomas probably would be better off ignoring the crowd, sure, but I
have to admit I loved reading this.  I always get a kick out of
situations when you're on the road and handing the home team a
beating, then they finally score to make it something like 10-1 and
the home fans are ludicrous enough to do the "GOALIE...SIEVE" cheer.
It makes me think those are the people who come to the games to gab
with their friends and do the socially acceptable thing rather than
actually watch the action.  I can't find much fault with Thomas
pointing to the scoreboard - sounds like the Cornell fans really
didn't know who was winning and Thomas was trying to help them out. :-)
---                                                                 ---
Mike Machnik                                          [log in to unmask]
Cabletron Systems, Inc.                                  *HMM* 11/13/93
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