Interesting observation (to me anyway...)
If you arrange the latest TCHCR list by order of schedule strength, the top ten
teams make up the WCHA!  Based on this, the WCHA gets my vote as the toughest
I have never noticed this before (then again, I don't think I have ever looked
for this before).  How is "Schedule" calculated?  Is this just an strange
situation, or has this happened in the past?  The odds of this happening must
be at least as slim as the odds of Buffalo EVER winning the Superbowl! (hey, as
a long-time Bills fan, I can say things like that :-)
>The College Hockey Computer Rating
>     Last                      Division I
>Rank Rank Team                   Record   Performance    Schedule    Rating
> 25   26  North Dakota           8 16  2   -30.77  33    27.77   1    -3.00
> 28   27  Michigan Tech          7 17  5   -34.48  35    23.55   2   -10.93
>  4    6  Minnesota             15  8  3    26.92  11    22.36   3    49.28
>  5    2  Northern Michigan     16  9  1    26.92  11    22.15   4    49.07
> 15   20  Denver                11 13  2    -7.69  25    22.08   5    14.39
>  6    5  Wisconsin             15 10  1    19.23  15    21.02   6    40.25
> 23   25  Minnesota-Duluth       9 14  3   -19.23  29    18.80   7    -0.43
> 18   17  Alaska-Anchorage      10 12  2    -8.33  26    18.37   8    10.04
>  8   10  St Cloud              13  8  3    20.83  14    12.19   9    33.02
>  3    4  Colorado College      17  7  2    38.46   4    11.28  10    49.74