>I'm quite confused about this year's format.  Last year it was
>two games at the better team's home ice, with total game points
>advacing.  For example two wins or a win and a tie would advance your team.
>A win and a loss would result in a 10 minute mini-game (or sudden death),
>I can't remember.
BTW, you can also find this info at the end of my Hockey East Update.
I guess I know how many people read it. :-)
I am amazed at how many people have asked this.  It must be Question
of the Week.  Yes, the format has changed this season.  It reverts
back to the best 2 of 3 format that was used in 1989-90.  Although, I
must admit, I am not positive that it is exactly the same format.  In
the 1989-90 HE q-finals, if a game was tied after regulation, it went
to a sudden death OT that lasted till whenever.  Since neither the HE
release nor the HE yearbook say anything other than "best 2 of 3", it
is possible that only the third game would have overtime...and that
the third game would be played only if the first two were both ties or
a win for each team.  I am under the impression that each game must
have a winner, though.
Last year, neither the first nor second game were slated to have OT.
A tie in the series (both teams with 2 pts) after the 2nd game ended
would result in sudden death (first goal wins) for the series.  It
sounded exciting, but it never happened.
---                                                                 ---
Mike Machnik                                          [log in to unmask]
Cabletron Systems, Inc.                                  *HMM* 11/13/93
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