I would Disagree Al, The Purpose of those rules is to insure that the
students are Learning, and that the school is not strictly for sports.
Now, Tardif, was enrolled FULL TIME at the university of Maine, it
is only the NCAA that feels he wasn't.  As a result, Pat Tardiff is no
longer at school, pretty simple isn't it.  The rules are their to protect
students, yet this student is no longer in school.
     The NCAA regulations are not designed to necessarily make things
"Fair" but to insure that the Student athletes are just that, students,
and athletes.  That is why Jeff Tory isn't playing.  The NCAA feels taht
he should take a year of school to bring his grades up before he
begins playing hockey.  Was that need for Tardiff?  The School has
been punished enough simply with the loss of all of their games, The
team deserves to be in the playoffs just as much as any other.
       Pat Ellis