Since the snail-mail seems to be moving SO slowly these days, I will extend
the deadline of anyone ordering a T-shirt or a Sweatshirt.
         You MUST have the orders **Postmarked** by MARCH 1st.
This will give me time to compile the orders over the weekend and get it to
the printer by Monday March 7th.  The order will take two weeks to get printed
and then I will start mailing them out. First orders in, will be the first
orders mailed out.  Those who will be attending the Phinal Phour in St Paul
may pick their order up from me and not pay the shipping and handling. If you
have already sent in the S & H, I can refund your money when you get your
As always, if any questions.....e-mail me directly.
Carol S. White                            BITNET: c-whit@uminn1
University of Minnesota        internet:[log in to unmask]
Office of the Registrar
(612) 625-8517                                    GO Gophers!!!