This is an outstanding letter, well worth reading.
I particularly like some of the game insights provided from the
coach's view point.
I can agree with with the proposal to allow the officials more
flexibility in calling game misconducts and five minute majors
without also incurring a DQ. I question the need for a shoot out
or 3x3, 4x4, hockey however. As a fan, I agree that we need to
remember that referees are human and make mistakes.  But we also
need to apply continuous improvement to poor reffing particularly
when it is blantant, game after game. Ref's are a necessary part
of the game; however, they must not be THE game from a fan's
Thank you for sharing these comments with us. As a fan (from the word
fanatic) always hungry for more insights into the game, these were gems.
I hope John and Tony take you up on your offer.
Walt Olson