Angelo Ricci played for the Omaha Lancers a USHL Junior Hockey League for
3 and about 1/2 of a season.  I was lucky to become good friends with
Angelo and he visits Omaha in the summers.  He originally from Chicago.
Frank Savatorie (sp) now coach for Denver used to be the coach in
for the Lancers and recruited him here and then recruited him to Denver.
After his third season he played for awhile at Wisconsin, it did'ent
work out for him  and he left.  Denver recruited him but the first
season he would practice and go to school in Denver and then he would
play here in Omaha on the weekends.  Several times I would pick him up,
or drive him back to the airport.  I really admire him because
no matter how busy he was -- it never affected his playing ability
or his attititude.  Of all the players that have played here, he
has had the biggest impact on me.  He a very kind and generous person
to know.
Dan Albers