Someone again raised the question of intention in Cal Ingraham's
jumping the gun and coming on ice to break up a 2-on-1. As I
tried to point out in my last post, giving a team the benefit
of the doubt in that situation is equivalent to giving them a free
extra man. Contrary to some postings, the time of the infraction
does matter which is why the rules do make a stipulation about
last two minutes or OT. Obviously calling a 2-min minor with
2 minutes+ remaining would have been a real penalty and would
have given BU back a scoring opportunity. With 5 seconds left,
only a penalty shot would have had any real effect. Last question
for those who have contended that the game situation ought to
have no influence, what if the score had been Maine 1,BU 0with
BU rushing down for a last chance to tie the game? Still no
penalty shot? I don't think so.
    Dave Carroll BU'73 - and still ticked off about this call
    [log in to unmask]     (or if path problems ...
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