Re: Walsh's tactic of sending an extra skater onto the ice with 4 seconds
left in the game...
I find this entire incident fascinating.  Consider the following:
1. First of all, it's already been posted on hockey-l that Walsh
denied doing it intentionally.  But suppose he did.  Because of recent
events it seems that a number of hockey-l'ers are prepared to believe
he DID.  Furthermore, Joe Carr, the Maine announcer, seems to have called
it a "brilliant" move (I didn't hear the quote directly, just through
other hockey-l quotes).
2. Second, there's the issue of the refs ignoring the infraction.
Independent of Walsh's intention, it was the responsibility of
the refs to call it, and we all know that every so often these guys
miss a few.  So, this is a non-issue.  Back to 1.
Is it cheating to intentionally take a penalty, knowing full well
the consequences?  Based on what I've seen in hockey, I think not.
It's common, and I think accepted, practice to pull down an
attacker when that attacker is in a position to score on a
breakaway.  The penalty is accepted as a normal consequence of this
infraction.  Scenario: 4 seconds left and a BU skater gets a
breakaway.  What does Maine do? Pull him down, of course.
2 minute penalty.  Brilliant.  Scenario: 4 seconds left and
BU gets a 2 on 1.  What does Maine do?  Send an extra skater onto
the ice. 2 minute penalty.  Cheating?  Whoa?  It's not that clear.
Any thoughts, flames, sarcasm.  Please keep the libelous remarks
to a minimum...
Larry Latour
By the way, I'm one who thinks that a two minute penalty for an
intentional infraction such as this isn't "fair" at this point
in the game (4 seconds left I mean).  So, what can be done?  Fix
the rules I suppose.