The Merrimack at Boston College game that was ppd by snow on 2/4/94
has been rescheduled to Tuesday, 2/22/94 at 7 pm.  BC really needs a
win if it is to have a shot at avoiding last place and a first-round
matchup with BU, who has beaten BC 9 straight times.
Tonight at Northeastern, we saw what I thought was the best between
periods promotion yet.  Two teams of two people were assembled, with
each to shoot at a net.  On each team, one person stood at the blue
line facing the net with a stick and the other would run back and
forth bringing one puck at a time from a milk crate of pucks at center
ice, with the person on the blue line shooting at the empty net.  The
objective was to score as many goals as possible in a minute and 30
seconds.  This was very entertaining and beat the heck out of the old
shoot at a small hole in a board contest.
What was funny was that the team of girls (women for PCers) easily
beat the guys.  The girl shooting put almost every puck right down the
middle; someone said they broke the record for most goals in the
contest.  Since they were wearing NU warmup jackets, I wondered if
they were members of the women's team.  There's no truth to the rumor
that Ben Smith is thinking of calling them up to jumpstart the Huskie
offense. :-)
---                                                                 ---
Mike Machnik                                          [log in to unmask]
Cabletron Systems, Inc.                                  *HMM* 11/13/93
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