I was just talking with our SID, Gary Mikel, who said that on
Monday the ECAC called the NC$$ office and was told that "shorthanded
goal into a defended net" credited to goalie Jason Currie should be
awarded to Kevin Murphy, on the principle that proximity to the puck was
still the relevant criterion.  Rulebook aside, this is the just outcome
because it was Murphy's superb forechecking which caused the Princeton
players to make the errors which resulted in the goal.  I understand that
the tape of the game showed two other Clarkson players touched the puck after
Currie who might not have touched it at all.  The picture becomes
even more cloudy because, according to Gary, Steve Palmer of Clarkson
actually touched the puck last.  On the "last touch" principle it's
Steve's goal.  In any case, it is not Currie's.  Case closed, I think.