As was mentioned last week, NESN rebroadcast the "Terreri" game against BC
when the snow cancelled the regularly scheduled BU-UNH game.  Unfortunately,
I missed the switch until *way* too late and only got to tape a small portion
of the legendary game.  (Not that I wasn't interested in BU-UNH, but there's
one TV in our house, my daughter claims that hockey is *always* making it so
she can't watch her programs, and so I decided to hold my trump card for
another day.)
If anyone has that game on tape, I would very much like to make a copy of it.
Email me and we can work something out.
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* Dave Hendrickson "Robo" [log in to unmask] *     *'     ##     '*
*        A Hockey Polygamist and Get-A-Lifer        *   *##   ___##___   ##*
* GO BROONS!!!      Go Red Wings!!     Go LA Kings! *  *   ##|   ___  \##   *
* GO UMASS-LOWELL!!!    Go Maine!!           Go BU! * *      |  |___)  |     *
* --------------------------------------------------* *######|   ___  <######*
* Although I can't remember ever having an original * *      |  |___)  |     *
* thought, and am certainly parroting someone who   *  *   ##|________/##   *
* actually has a brain, these opinions are mine,    *   *##      ##      ##*
* not Hewlett-Packard's.                            *     *,     ##     ,*
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