Matthews Arena  --  Northeastern University  --  Tue Feb 8th & 15th
This year the Women's Beanpot will feature Boston College, Harvard
and Northeastern.  On the first Tuesday they will play each other in
a series of two 15 minute period mini-games.  The two teams with the
best results will move on to the championship match the following
Tuesday.  The remaining team will play a consolation game against
alumnae from the three teams.
Tue Feb  8th  7:00 p.m.    Harvard       _ - BC           _  Game 1
                           Northeastern  _ - Harvard      _  Game 2
                           BC            _ - Northeastern _  Game 3
Tue Feb 15th  6:00 p.m.    3rd place     _ - BP Alumnae   _
              8:00 p.m.    Championship match.
 good shooting