Though I was half a country away, Tony Biscardi's observations that the BU fans outshouted the
Eagle-lovers were quite obvious on Prime/NESN/Sportschannel's broadcast. I expected to hear the
cowbell at least once, but I almost dumped my chips all over the floor when I distinctly heard, "Go
BU...Beat BC...They suck sh--." I also noticed that was the LAST time the BC band played that particular
The official reason for the lack of maroon-n-gold was that BC is still on break. I'll buy that, but come
on...the standard line on BC is that most of the students live within an hour of the campus (just like the
standard BU-flame of "Little Lawn Guyland"). If they REALLY wanted to go, they would've.
GS--BU '92
Carthage College-- No. 7 in "Coll. Baseball" Div. III preseason poll