>> I would appreciate any information that anyone has regarding any books or
>> manuals available that give a rather detailed history of college hockey,
>> including year-by-year records and al-time school-vs.-school records
>> not as detailed as, say, the Baseball Encyclopedia, but something just a
>> little less).  You can either post it to the list or E-mail me
>> Thanks in advance.
>> G. M. Finniss
>> Michigan State University
>> WVU '87, UTenn '92, MSU who the hell knows when?
>please post it to the list.  i'd be interested in that, too.
>i do have the michigan 1993-1994 hockey media guide, and that lists
>michigan records and season by season results.  that's one way to go.
>scott quakkelaar
>um class of 1993
If anyone locates a great college hockey reference book, pinch yourself
hard.  If it hurts, buy every copy that you see.  If it doesn't hurt, don't
worry, most of us have dreamt about such a reference for some time.
A few people have mentioned Drew Finnie's record manual of a few years ago.
 If anyone locates copies of it, please pass that info along.  I've been
searching for a copy for about 2 years.  I've also heard rumors of a 2nd
edition for some time.  I've written Mr Finnie four times regarding his
volumes, but he has never replied.
As for media guides...watch out!  Please do not take this as a slight on
SIDs (I like SIDs -- in fact, I would love being an SID provided that I had
substantial income from other sources), but media guides CANNOT be fully
trusted.  Sure, they have plenty of info, but there is no guarantee that it
is either complete or correct.  The Michigan guide that Scott refers to is a
good example.  Scott -- don't trust those season by season results.  I doubt
that all of the games are there, and I know for a fact that some of the
scores are incorrect.  Again, don't blame the SID.  He/she is working with
what is given and certainly doesn't have the time or resources to research
the complete history of the hockey team.
Another good example is picking any long-time rivalry and comparing guides.
 For instance, look at Michigan's record vs Michigan State as listed in UM's
guide and compare it to Michigan State's record vs Michigan as listed in
MSU's guide.  I bet they don't match-up.  (If I had an MSU guide handy, I'd
check this myself. :-)
Best o' luck,
  John H
  U Mich