A friend of mine on the Harvard team passed along some interesting
tidbits earlier this week:
RE: Ethan Philpott--The coaches are NOT pleased with his work ethic
at all, and he has been benched for some time now.  He's not even
playing JV...and he has not been dressing up for games at all.
I don't know about practices.  Richard, this partially confirms
some of our suspicions about Philpott forgetting about hockey
and going out just to hit people.
RE: Tripp Tracy--Although it seem Tripp has not been playing as well
as he did last year, or as well as Aaron Israel, the team still has
confidence that he will have a strong season.  It seems Tracy reads
all his press (probably not a good idea) and it taking the criticism
personally...it remains to be seen how he handles it.  <Beanpot coming
up soon...>  Coach Tomassoni has had both goalies in his office
and warned them about avoiding a "sophomore slump."  Interestingly,
Tomassoni has specifically warned Tracy about "becoming like
Chuckie Hughes."  [ouch]
RE: Ashlin Halfnight--When asked about the freshman defender, my
friend gushed about him in terms very much like those used by Richard
in his postings.  It sounds like they are expecting big things from
the young man.  My friend predicted he would be captain his senior
year...of course, it's a little early for that...
--Julian Chu '93