Well, I wasn't gonna post this publicly, but:
>Greg Sorenson wonders whether or not any Wisconsin team can beat a
>Minnesota team.  I thought we were not supposed to get into these
>sort of ill spirited discussions?  Anyway . . . who went to the Rose
>Bowl and when was the last time Minnesota won a hockey championship?
Anyway, here's the deal, and this is the last I'm gonna say about it:
1. I'm in Wisconsin.
2. I have about as much love for the Gophs as I do for Bucky (which
ain't much).
3. The point was, how is it that one school (and state) with very
 average teams can consistently play spoiler to a school who's
 teams, *at least this season*, are equally-balanced, if not better?
>>I thought we were not supposed to get into these
sort of ill spirited discussions?
No, we weren't. And I didn't. Sheesh! Take a deep breath
and count to ten...