Just two little notes FYI which make no difference in the world of hockey
In "Div. 3 hoop taping..."  Greg Sorenson writes (with quote of prev. post):
>>By the way, is there another school that regularly sends two radio stations
>>>>on the road?
>I'm pretty sure Bowling Green does; one commerical station, one student.
I think you're right, Greg.  (In fact, I'm 99.44% sure you're right.)  The
two stations are WFOB (commercial) and WBGU-FM (student).
In "Hobey Baker Committee", Pam Sweeney has Kevin Gordon working for the
Bowling Green Sentinel.  This is an extremely minor point, but the name of
the paper is the Sentinel-Tribune.
Now everyone can consider themselves truly enlightened with this
revolutionary new info. (grin)
|Jeff Billman               |"I was hooked on phonics"    |
[log in to unmask]      |    -6 year old former addict|
|Bowling Green State Univ.  |-----------------------------|
|Bowling Green, OH          |   Just say no to phonics    |
|Other info by request.     |     Call 1-800-ZYXWVUT      |