Just a note on the Harvard shorthanded hat-trick thread...
>From the ECAC's press release of 12/19/88: "Young established two new
>standards when he scored three shorthanded goals in a span of 49 seconds.
>The outburst set a new mark for shorthanded goals in a game and another for
>the fastest hat trick."
I was there!  (and I think it was all in one period, not split up).  If I
remember correctly, each goal was a steal of a misplayed puck by the left
point man, leading to a one-on-zero rush down the ice to score.  Needless
to say, the crowd was roaring, and the Dartmouth team was thoroughly
demoralized (final score was something like 10-0).  It was the likes of
Bourbeau, MacDonald, Young, Ciavaglia [watch him in the olympics!],
Vukonich, Donato, Melrose, Roy, and Hughes that permanently hooked me on
hockey that year, including a memorable trip to St. Paul....
-john nash, A.B. Harvard '91, PhD Wisconsin by the turn of the century, I hope..
-=====-John R. [log in to unmask] Chem.