In message "visiting seats in the ECAC", you write:
> About the visiting seating at RPI:
> It seems to me that RPI seems to spread out its visitors throughout
> Houston Field House. However, I have only been there to see RPI host
> Clarkson! (and for the RPI Invy in '92) Could it be that this only happens
> for the Clarkson games?
   Well, the prime seating for visiting fans is at the west end of the
fieldhouse in Section 1.  This holds maybe 200 people or so.   That's fine
for most games.  Against Clarkson however, this tends to overflow, and plus
the pep-band is usually there, and so they get stuck in the leftover regular
seats in the southeast corner of the building.  Perhaps that explains
the difference.
--Rob  RPI '93
  ____.   Rob Pinelli     Dept. 3I31    ++++++++++++++++++++++   _  __    /|_
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