About this time last year, the NC$$ News ran an article roundly praising the then-experimental two-ref,
one-linesman system. Noting that the piece could have been just a tad biased, the Lansing (MI) State
Journal conducted a poll of Div. I hockey coaches, and found the opinions were actually about 50-50,
though not necessarily divided on east-west lines (the CCHA, BTW, was mostly against the new system,
and the coaches voted to return to the one-and-two system, but did not follow through with it).
So my question is, what are the current feelings toward the system? Has the officiating pool improved
to the point where the major complaints have subsided? Or are there merely two Ned Bunyons on the ice
on any given night?
just axin',
Carthage College..."Oh yeah? We've never heard of you either!"