Thanks Bill for your report on the game, which was not "just a few notes" ;-)
Very complete as usual. There was a problem on my line last night, so I was
going to do the report this morning....but you beat me to it. I'll add a few
notes after the game tonight.
We did meet with Arthur Mintz and Lee (sorry, I forgot your last name) along
with Lisa Sweeney and hubby William Sangrey at Stub and Herb's before the games
 on Friday. Always glad to connect up with the visiting and local hockey-l'ers!
Hopefully, there will be another meeting of the hockey minds this evening for
dinner and post-game discussion.
GO Gophers!!!
Carol S. White                            BITNET: c-whit@uminn1
University of Minnesota        internet:[log in to unmask]
Office of the Registrar
(612) 625-8517                                    GO Gophers!!!